Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Don't Miss My Last Book Event of the Year!

Come join me and 100 authors and illustrators this Saturday, November 3 at the Buckeye Book Fair. It's a great place to do your holiday shopping and hang out with people who love books.
Wooster, OH
Buckeye Bookfair
Saturday, November 3, 2018
9:30-4 pm
Fisher Auditorium OARDC

Friday, August 31, 2018

I'll Be at Kerrytown Bookfest in Ann Arbor!

Sunday, September 9
Kerrytown Tent
Children's/YA Programming
Panel: Exploring the YA Novel with Joelle Charbonneau and Caleb Roehrig
2:00-2:45 - Panel
2:45-3 pm Book signing in the signing tents near the Kerrytown Tent.
More details and directions

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Indianapolis! I'll Be at Kids Ink This Sunday 2-3:30 pm

I'll be at Kids Ink in Indianapolis this Sunday August 26 rom 2-3:30 for a chat and signing. This is the first event I've ever done in Indianapolis, and looking forward to hanging out with all of you!

Kids Ink says: The "Shattered Realms" books are "Game of Thrones" for the YA set and a must-read for fans of epic fantasy. If you enjoy life and death fights against tyrants, a touch of romance, and teens struggling to change the previously unquestioned traditions of their parents, you'll love Chima's work.

For more information about the store and the event, go here.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Deathcaster Cover Reveal and Upcoming Events

Introducing Deathcaster
Coming March 5, 2019

 A Shattered World
Three rival armies rip the Seven Realms apart as the Ardenine empire descends into chaos. Young commander Hal Matelon has committed himself to the queendom in the north, but finds himself embroiled in a deadly civil war in the south between King Jarat and the rebellious thanes.
A Bitter Bargain
Anxious to return to the Fells and yet remain free of the empress's blood curse, the Gray Wolf heir Alyssa ana'Raisa makes a bitter bargain. She agrees to lead Celestine's bloodsworn army into the heart of the realms. If she fails to meet Celestine's expectations, she stands to lose her family, her queendom, and her life.
A Final Battle
Unable to free Alyssa from Celestine's stronghold in the Northern Islands, Ash and Jessa fly back to the Seven Realms, hoping their powerful dragon allies can turn the tide of the war. Meanwhile, Evan Strangward and Breon d'Taros set out to break the empress's hold on the desert coast. In the process, they begin to solve the puzzle of they magemarks and their magical birthright.

Secrets are revealed, old betrayals exposed, and the bonds of blood and friendship are tested as this final installment of the Shattered Realms series stampedes to its breathtaking conclusion. 

Author Events Summer and Fall

Will I be in your area? Come hang out!

Shaker Heights, OH
Author Alley
Saturday, July 7, 2019, 12-4 pm
Loganberry Books
13015 Larchmere Boulevard
Shaker Heights, OH 44120
Join more than 40 authors with Cleveland connections in the midst of the Larchmere Festival. 

Mentor, OH
Summer Reading Showcase
Cinda Williams Chima and Mindy McGinnis
July 17, 2018, 6:30-8 pm
Mentor Public Library
8215 Mentor Ave.
Mentor, OH 44060

San Diego, Ca
San Diego Comic-Con
San Diego Convention Center
July 19-22, 2018
Details to come.
111 W. Harbor Dr.,
San Diego, CA 92101

Stow, OH
YA Author Fair
Saturday, July 21, 2018, 1-4 PM
Stow-Munroe Falls Library
Details to come!
3512 Darrow Rd.
Stow, OH 44224

Beaverton, Oregon
Author Event and Signing
Powell’s Books
Monday, August 6, 2018, 7 pm
Powell’s at Cedar Hills Crossing 
3415 SW Cedar Hills Blvd., 
Beaverton, OR

Ann Arbor, Michigan
Kerrytown Bookfest
September 9, 2018
Historic Kerrytown District
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Elyria, OH
NE Ohio SCBWI Conference
September 14-15, 2018
Lorain County Community College
I’ll be presenting an intensive on Friday and teaching breakouts on Saturday.

Hudson, OH
Writing Workshop: Worldbuilding
Hudson Library
Wednesday, September 19, 7 pm
96 Library Street
Hudson, Ohio 44236
I took my first fiction workshop at Hudson Library. Now I’m returning to teach a workshop on Worldbuilding.

Cincinnati, OH
Books By the Banks
Saturday, October 20, 2018, 10 am-4 pm
Duke Energy Center
Come hang out with me and many other authors!

Wooster, OH
Buckeye Bookfair
Saturday, November 3, 2018
9:30-4 pm
Fisher Auditorium

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Where I'll Be Next !

I'll be out and about this spring and summer and looking for YOU! Hope you'll come hang out!
ASPIRING WRITERS: note that the first Dayton event is a FREE writing workshop for teens!

Irving, TX
North Texas Teen Bookfest
April 21, 2018
Irving Convention Center
500 W. Las Colinas Blvd, Irving, Tx 75039
I am not kidding! This is like every author you ever wanted to see. I am going to be fan-girling along with everyone else.

Dayton, OH
Dayton StoryCon Teen
With Cinda Chima, Mike Mullin, and Nic Stone
Dayton Metro Library
April 28, 2018, 12-5 pm
 215 E 3rd St
Dayton, OH 45402
A FREE event for aspiring writers in grades 7-12. 
For more information, call 937-463-2665.

Dayton, OH
Author Event and Signing
Join me and Victoria Aveyard, 
Megan Whalen Turner
and  Mindee Arnett
Friday, May 18, 2018, 7 pm
The Greene Shopping Center
4453 Walnut Street Dayton, OH   45440
Phone: 937-429-2169

Mentor, OH
Summer Reading Showcase
Cinda Williams Chima and
Mindy McGinnis
Mentor Public Library
July 17, 2018, 6:30-8 pm
8215 Mentor Ave.
Mentor, OH 44060

Stow, OH
YA Author Fair
Stow-Munroe Falls Library
Saturday, July 21, 2018
1-4 PM
Details to come!
3512 Darrow Rd.  Stow, OH 44224
 (330) 688-3295

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

We Have a Winner!! er Winners!!

Thanks to everyone who entered my giveaways and helped get the word out about Stormcaster! I have winners of both contests to announce!

Stormcaster Preorder Giveaway!

The winner of the mother lode of books and swag is Bridget Barlow of Bluffdale, Utah! If you know Bridget, give her a shout-out that her prize package is on the way.

Stormcaster Pirate Hunt!

Many thanks to citizens of the realms who assisted the queendom in hunting down the notorious pirate Evan Strangward, also known as Stormcaster. While the brigand is still at large, his image is plastered all over the internets and we have no doubt that he will soon be in custody. 

We have randomly chosen one citizen to receive a pirate's hoard of stories and swag. Congratulations to Jaxon Mader ! He will be receiving signed hardcovers of the Shattered Realms series to date--assuming that Strangward's stormborn crew doesn't find him first. If you know Jaxon, you might want to warn him--er--congratulate him on his good fortune!

Thanks, everyone for playing! 

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Stormcaster Launch -- The Learned Owl Hudson OH

Tuesday, April 3, 6-7:30 pm
Reading and Speeching at 6:30

Can't wait to share Stormcaster with all of you! 
The Learned Owl
204 N. Main St.
Hudson OH 44236 USA
330-653-2252 / 800-968-2685

Vagabond seafarer Evan Strangward can move wind, waves, and weather, but his magical abilities can’t protect him forever from the brutal Empress Celestine. As Celestine’s relentless bloodsworn armies grow, Evan travels to the Fells to warn the queendom that an invasion is imminent. If he can’t convince the Gray Wolf queen to take a stand, he knows that the Seven Realms will fall and his last sanctuary will be destroyed. Among the dead will be the one person Evan can’t stand to lose.
Meanwhile, the queen’s formidable daughter, Princess Alyssa ana’Raisa, is already a prisoner aboard the empress’s ship, sailing east. Lyss may be the last remaining hope of bringing down the empress from within her own tightly controlled stronghold.
Intricately interwoven storylines converge in this gripping novel as the warring Seven Realms struggle to unite against a horrific tyrant.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Citizens of the Realms! Rich Reward!

Offered by the crown for Information
Leading to the Capture of the Pirate 
Stormcaster, aka Evan Strangward

The bloodthirsty pirate has haunted the coast of the Seven Realms for years. Citizens of the realms are encouraged to  help us capture this scourge of the seas by posting this placard in all public places.

Those who help to bring this criminal to justice will be eligible to win a signed hardcover of the book #Stormcaster, purported to be a collection of stories and legends about the pirate and his associates, as well as two previous volumes detailing the history of our wars with the Ardenine empire. Included will be other valuables from the royal treasury.

Proceed with caution, as subject is known to be both a weather and blood mage. All inquiries by April 10, 2018, to Captain Amon Byrne, as follows:

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Enter the Stormcaster Preorder Giveaway!

Storm Warning!
Stormcaster is coming 3 April 2018

Are you ready for stormy weather? Everyone who preorders Stormcaster from any retail outlet (local bookstore, chain bookstores, online, digital, audiobook) is eligible to enter the STORMCASTER PREORDER GIVEAWAY.
The grand prize is 

1. Your CHOICE of a box set of The Seven Realms paperbacks or all FIVE Heir Chronicles hardcovers PLUS
2. A scrimshaw miniature of a schooner sailing ship in honor of the pirate, Evan Strangward. Traditionally, scrimshaw was done on ivory. This was done using traditional techniques using a resin base
3. And, most amazing, a hardcover first edition of SHADOWCASTER, the second book in the Shattered Realms series, with the ORIGINAL MAGEMARK cover. How can I do this? I have been holding onto one prototype magemark book jacket for just such an occasion. I have covered a hardbound book with this jacket, and will include the new jacket as well. A one-of-a-kind prize for a fan of the series and the original art.
4. A hardbound first edition of Flamecaster with the original cover to go with your one-of-a-kind Shadowcaster. All books will be signed and personalized per the winner's request.

Here's how to enter:


Monday, February 19, 2018

Meet Me at Park Road Books, Charlotte, NC

Thursday, March 1, 2018, 
6:30-7:30 pm

Park Road Shopping Center
4139 Park Rd Charlotte NC 28209
(704) 525-9239

When I had to cancel an event at Park Road Books last spring, I promised to reschedule. So here's the deets: I'll be there with Flamecaster, Shadowcaster, and a sneak preview of Stormcaster (out April 3!) If you can't make the event, but would like signed copies of my Realms books, call the store at least 48 hours ahead. 

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Upcoming Appearances and Events Spring 2018

I don't know about you, but I've definitely been having cabin fever. On deadline, snowbound, etc.
But I'll be out and about this spring, even before the release of Stormcaster April 3. So I hope to meet up with you on the road!

Also, keep an eye out for pre-release contests and giveaways, and for news about the Stormcaster tour. You can always sign up for my newsletter here  to get the latest the earliest. If you want to read the latest newsletter, you can visit it here

Upcoming Events

I'm finally leaving the deadline cabin and getting out and about again! Check it out, and see if I'll be coming to your neck of the woods. 
Author Events Spring, 2018
Charlotte, NC
Park Road Books
Thursday, March 1, 2018, 6:30-7:30 pm
Park Road Shopping Center
4139 Park Rd Charlotte NC 28209
(704) 525-9239
Shadowcaster Paperback Release!
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Tucson, Arizona
Tucson Festival of Books
March 10-11, 2018, 9:30 am to 5:30 pm
University of Arizona Campus
Presenting authors include more than sixty authors of books for teens!
Oberlin, Ohio
Oberlin Public Library
Saturday, March 17, 2018
Writing Workshop
Lights, Camera, Action:
Using Cinematic Techniques to Deliver Character and Story
Some of you may know that Oberlin was the inspiration for the fictional college town of Trinity, Ohio, the setting for much of the action in my Heir Chronicles Books. Join me in Oberlin to learn how writers can learn a lot about writing from the movies.
More details forthcoming at
Stormcaster Release Date!!
April 3, 2018
Tour details to come!
Columbus, OH
Ohioana Bookfest
Saturday, April 14, 2018 10:30 am to 5:30 pm
Sheraton Columbus Hotel at Capitol Square
75 E State Street Columbus, OH 43215
KSU Reading-Writing Festival
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Kant State University Student Center
Columbus, OH
Marcon Columbus YA Guest of Honor
Multiple Alternative Realities Convention
May 11-13, 2018
Hyatt Regency Columbus