Original-language E-book
It’s taken quite a while to ferret
this out. It may have had to do with the fact that the Seven Realms series was
originally supposed to be a trilogy. My American publisher, Hyperion, didn’t
have contracts in place for overseas distribution of the Crimson Crown e-book
by the U.S. release date. They are working furiously to get those in place, and
do the formatting and so on. It appears that the first e-book to be available
overseas will be in the Apple format but I don’t have a date for that.
Translation Rights

That said,
here’s the current info that I have:
The UK
My UK publisher is Harper Voyager (Harper-Collins UK.) They have purchased the rights, but there is
no information on their site regarding a release date. http://www.harpercollins.co.uk/Authors/8539/cindawilliams-chima
regarding a date. You may want to drop them an email or contact your local
bookseller and let them know you are waiting. I’d love for you to buy the UK
edition because I want to support my UK publisher.
To be published simultaneously by
Bragelonne (adult) and Castelmore (YA) imprints. They have bought the rights to
The Crimson Crown, but no information on their site about a release date.
Good news!!
Bragelonne/Castelmore have bought the French translation rights for The Heir Chronicles!!
The Netherlands
Zwarte Kunst 4
Scharlakenrode Kroon was released in December, 2012 by Luitingh Fantasy

No information on pub date from
Verlagsgruppe (Random House Germany.) http://www.randomhouse.de/search/searchresult.jsp?ssit=qus&pat=Chima&x=0&y=0&pub=1
Good news!! Verlagsgruppe Blanvalet has bought German
translation rights for The Heir Chronicles
Ediciones B has not yet purchased
the translation rights for The Crimson
Crown. Because the series was initially planned to be a trilogy, they
bought the rights to the first three books but have not made a bid to buy the
The best way to encourage a
publisher to release my books or any book in translation is to spread the word
to friends and fellow readers about the books you like.