I’d like to thank everyone who has
joined me on this journey with Han, Raisa, Cat, Dancer, Micah, Fiona, Amon and
the rest. Who stuck with them when a planned trilogy turned into a
Who took my characters into
their hearts and laughed, cried, fought, loved and lost with them through four
novels totaling more than 2200 pages. Who encouraged me through the 27-page
editorial letter and the endless revisions, false starts, and blind alleys that
inevitably happen on the way through an epic tale. Who let me know in no
uncertain terms when I disappointed them. Or pleased them.

I’d like to thank the readers who
got on board early—those fans of the Heir Chronicles who decided to “take a
chance” on high fantasy. And the high fantasy fans who wondered if a writer
whose previous novels were set in Ohio was up to the task of building a brand
new world. Some of you who follow me on
line know my secret—the world of the Seven Realms was already built when I set
out to write The Demon King. I
created the Seven Realms for The
Star-Marked Warder, a high fantasy series for adults that I began but never
finished. Some of the characters in The Seven Realms YA series appear in SMW as
adults. I believe in recycling and repurposing.

Blessed are the readers who worked
their way through the world-building in
Demon King and told their friends it was a journey worth taking. Who
waited, sometimes impatiently, for the story to unfold over four years. And
bless those new readers I’m hearing from now—who blaze through all four books
in a week and want to know if there will be more.

Tip of the hat to Team Amon. I know
some of you were disappointed, but know that Amon’s and Raisa’s lives entwine
and entangle for years to come.

I’ve met so many people at
bookstore signings, library appearances, school visits, bookfests, and
conferences over these four years. That is one of the BEST parts of this job.
Not only does getting out and meeting people get me out of sweats and pajamas
now and then—but I get to hang out with people who love books! How awesome is
Why Stop with Four?
Who says I am?
I felt the need to provide some
closure to readers, and at least a temporary
happy ending for Han and Raisa. Come on, don’t you think they deserved
it, after all they’ve been through? And don’t you hate it when a series goes on
and on and on and you get the impression the author is milking it out of greed?
I’d rather have people asking for more than hitting the exits before the series
is over.

So--I don’t have
specific plans for more Seven Realms
novels at this point. Obviously, it’s a big place and with many stories to
tell. I know a lot of the challenges and disasters that lie ahead for Han and
Raisa, because of
The Star-Marked Warder.
So I may yet return to the Seven Realms. It depends, of course, on how these
books do, publisher interest, and like that. Certainly, it’s a place I feel
comfortable living—and writing--in.

Whatever happens, readers of this
blog and my followers on Facebook will be the first to know! So stay tuned.
Coming next—The Enchanter
Heir 10.22.13
Read all about it here on Friday.