Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sign Up Here for Email Updates About Me and My Books!

I often hear from readers who've missed some critical bit of news--for example, that I'm visiting their town. Or I've just signed a deal for two more Heir books. Or that there are actually FOUR books in the Seven Realms series instead of three. Or there's an opportunity to win free books or other swag.
And people ask me: Couldn't you email me when your next book comes out?

Well, I have trouble keeping track of family birthdays, so you know I'm unreliable when it comes to notifying thousands of people.
GoogleGroups to the rescue! If you'd like to receive occasional updates (I'm thinking 3 or 4 times a month) about author events, honors, new releases, movie rumors--whatever--you can sign up for my Google mailing list.
See the sign-up box on the upper right!


  1. Cinda, I think I signed up but I don't want your blog posts to come through e-mail so I hope it works. Otherwise I'll read your posts through my blog roll.

  2. Hi, Natalie, you're good. This isn't a subscription to the blog, but a subscription to a mailing list. I checked and you're in the group!

  3. I've got your blog saved in my 'following' group.

    But what's this about FOUR Seven Realms books?

  4. Hi, Sharron. The google groups is a little different than a blog follow. It's like an email mailing list.

    And, yes, the Seven Realms series was supposed to be a trilogy, but I ran out of room in book 3, so it's a quartet. A cycle, Whatever. Four books.


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