Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Gray Wolf Throne Official Cover!!

Well, the cat is totally out of the bag on this one, as sharp-eyed reader and blogger extraordinaire Juanpablo Sullivan  spotted the cover for The Gray Wolf Throne in the Disney-Hyperion Catalog and posted it on Goodreads
Plus sharp-eyed FB friend Beau Bouliane spotted the cover on a poster I brought to the Local Author program at the Crocker Park Barnes & Noble.

Well, then. For those of you who haven’t already seen it, here is the official cover for The Gray Wolf Throne.

As an added bonus, I’ll post the awesome poster Hyperion designed for me.


  1. O-M-G!!!!! Could it be any more GORGEOUS than that!?!?!?
    I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!
    I can wait to read it, can't wait!!!!!!!!!

  2. I am so excited for this. Your covers look amazing together! I also put the news up on my blog if you don't mind. Just have to share my excitement with the world =D

  3. Oh.My.God. !!!
    That's FANTASTIC! I LOVED it!! ^^
    Do you know when will they publish your new serie on Brazil? I'm so excited to read it!!
    oh! And Good luck with the moving; I'm sure your new home will provide awesome inspirations for you!

    Hugs, Ellie.

  4. Love it! I must read The Exiled Queen (loved The Demon King) so that I can be ready when The Gray wolf Throne comes out. Thanks for sharing it. ^_^

  5. Love the cover!! Have it on my blog today too :)

  6. It looks fantastic! I can't wait to read it!

  7. Wahoo! Can't wait to read it. :)

  8. I love them! Thanks so much for linking me. Can't wait for GWT and the nest Heir books!

  9. I love it! Can't wait to read it when it comes out! Also I hope your move-in is going smoothly!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. You know, I think this could possibly be your most breath-taking cover yet! I can't wait!

  12. Thanks, everyone, and special props to those who've spread the word on their blogs and pages.

  13. OMG!!!!!
    It's like the beautifullest cover EVER!!!
    Mrs. C I can hardly wait!!!
    Good luck with this!! Topple the LISTS!!!

  14. can u post a preview chapter soon???

  15. omg omg omg that cover is amazing!!!!
    I can't wait to read it :D:D

  16. The cover is GORGEOUS!! I can't wait to read it! The covers all look so pretty next to each other.


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