Sunday, March 28, 2010

Shout-Out and Thanks to OCTELA

I had a great time in Columbus at the OCTELA (Ohio Council of Teachers of English and Language Arts) conference. Believe me, it is stressful to get up and make a keynote speech in front of a whole room full of English and language arts teachers and reading specialists. But they gave me a warm welcome. I always feel in context with people who love books.
 Karen Tollafield, the conference coordinator, and her committee did an awesome job. Here I am at the signing table with the raffle in the background.  

 YA author Sharon Flake, storyteller Kevin Cordi, author/teacher Steven Layne, and I did a roundtable session (though here it looks more like a lineup!) 
 Sharon was the keynote at lunch, and I attended Kevin's breakout on using storytelling in the classroom. I love hanging with authors and teachers.

1 comment:

  1. Cinda,
    It was a pleasure to share the "line up" with you. Hope to see you on the trail soon. all the best,
    Kevin Cordi


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