OK, so I’m nearly at the end of my official Demon King author tour, and I’m realizing that all my good intentions of blogging every day, posting photos, etc., and basically immortalizing every fantastic moment were as optimistic as the Official Author itinerary:
2 p.m: Visit six bookstores in the Greater Toronto area, sign stock, return to hotel and relax, have early dinner, and leave for seventh bookstore for evening event at 6:15 pm.
Tips for Other Authors
1. Never leave for the airport in flip-flops without checking the weather report.
2. Never approve an itinerary that includes the phrase “check out of hotel at 5 a.m.”
3. Never wear the same jacket at every event because your spouse will post up event photos on the website and you will be so busted.
4. Never iron clothing in the hotel room because I don’t want to have to do it.
5. Never present to high schoolers at eight a.m. If you do, don’t wake them up.
6. Plan an answer to the question, “How much do authors make?” Practice keeping a straight face.
Thanks for that, Cinda! I'm laughing this morning...something I rarely do at this hour.